Joanna's Pilates Mornington Lockdown 2.0: staying motivated!
Clearly I spoke too soon when I posted about being unstoppable in June. We’ve been in lockdown again here in Metropolitan Melbourne for around 3 weeks now.
Do excuse the wind-swept hair!
I was at work for a total of 2.5 weeks. It was fabulous; meeting new and wonderful clients (hello to you if you’re reading this), working at two wonderful places on the Mornington Peninsula, and was getting back in to the swing of things and then BOOM! we were closed down again.
Back at home
For sure, it’s hard to motivate yourself when you’re stopped almost as soon as you start. But I love what I do and how it helps other people so I’ll just do what I can from home. That’s what keeps me going.
Focussing on distance learning with my two young children is a major part of the week (and a challenge in itself) but I still have to find time to do Pilates and movement for myself or I would go crazy!
My ‘angels’ focussing on their work for a few moments!
Pilates is great ‘me’ time. Much needed. Cathartic, self-care, alone-time. Mix up the slower core-burn of Pilates with the fun (and Butt burn) of Barre, and also some more ‘hardcore’ home gym routines and I feel almost normal. Which is important.
Pilates Teaser in the garden after a sweaty workout! My ‘me’ time.