Joanna's Pilates Mornington

Joanna's Pilates Mornington Logo

My beautiful new logo!

Out with the old and in with the new. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written a blog post. The ups and downs of Covid world and getting used to getting back to reality after all the lockdowns meant my focus had to shift for a while.

I’ve still been teaching, working hard with as many bodies as I can, helping people to move a little more freely, find a bit more mobility and enjoy some Pilates headspace at the same time.

I had a re-brand too - so I’m now known as Joanna’s Pilates Mornington (rather than my previous business name). It will take a while to change everything over - but I’m getting there!

So hopefully now - I’ll be able to re-focus back to my third baby again - my beautiful private Pilates business - Joanna’s Pilates Mornington and you’ll hear some more from me again sooner than I managed this time around :D

Joanna Nicholls