Pilates breathing and how it supports your other sporting passions

joanna's Pilates Mornington - Breathing 101

Breathing is the first act of life and the last. Our very life depends on it.

- Joseph Pilates

You're doing it right now without even thinking about it. With a little more thought and a mindful approach, you'll  find you up your game in whatever sport you love to do. Any cardio activities such as distance running, swimming, cycling, and rowing need fresh oxygen, and lots of it, to power your movements. To do this, you need to breathe deeply and effectively.

Lazy breathing converts the lungs, literally and figuratively speaking, into a cemetery for the deposition of diseased, dying and dead germs.
— Joseph Pilates


This is where Pilates comes in. Most of us are just breathing into our chest and not fully utilising the power of our lungs.

Along with the benefits of strength, core stability and flexibility, Pilates allows you to unlock your breathing and use your breath more effectively, and so increasing your endurance and stamina throughout any sport or day-to-day activity you do. 



Pilates breathing 101

  • Stand or sit upright. Align your head over your pelvis, and your pelvis over your feet (if stood), while maintaining your spine's natural curve and length - no slouching allowed!

  • Place your hands on the sides of your low ribs with your thumbs at the back and your fingers at the front (or one hand at the front and one behind)

  • Inhale through your nose into the back and sides of your ribs. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed - and away from those ears. Visualise a balloon filling with air, from the bottom, up and outward

  • Exhale through your mouth in a slow, controlled and flowing manner, that balloon is being deflated

  • Repeat and remove your hands from your ribs when you're sure you can feel that movement across the sides and back of your rib-cage


Lateral breathing stretches

Great stretches for feeling the lateral breathing movements are:

  • Childs pose or shell stretch

  • Downward facing dog

  • Mermaid


If you're looking for Pilates in or near Mount Martha, Mornington, Mount Eliza or nearby on the Mornington Peninsula, VIC, then don't hesitate to get in touch with me - I'll be more than happy to have a chat, discuss options and figure out a plan that will suit you.